The most important dates in the LUMEL's history:
7th November 1953 - Zielonogórskie Zakłady Wytwórcze Mierników Elektrycznych were founded on the strength of the Ministry of the Machine-Building Industry decision.
1st January 1954 - the first moving-iron meter was produced.
18th July 1958 - the Company's name was changed into Lubuskie Zakłady Aparatów Elektrycznych - LUMEL.
May 1962 - the millionth analogue panel meter was produced.
March 1964 - the Company depended on the newly created Union of the Automation and Measuring Instruments "MERA" and the Company's activity was enlarged by the production of industrial and laboratory electrical measuring instruments for electrical quantities.
1st April 1967 - the Experimental Plant of Measuring and Control Apparatus was created. 5 years later, it was transformed into the R&D Centre of Electrical Metrology.
1969/1970 - years of the highest development of the Company
November 1995 - LUMEL received the ISO 9001 Quality Certificate.
December 1997 - the Company was converted into a joint-stock state company - LUMEL S.A.
May 1999 - LUMEL S.A. received the prestigious Polish promotion trademark "TERAZ POLSKA" for the digital meters with bargraphs series.
April 2003 - LUMEL received the ISO 14001 Environment Certificate.
February 2010 - LUMEL received the ISO/TS 16949:2009 Certificate
18th July 2011 - Polish Ministry of Treasury sold 85% of shares of LUMEL S.A. to Indian company Rishabh Instruments Pvt Ltd.
LUMEL has become the member of the group RISHABH-LUMEL-SHANTI